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Infoscape (2002-2003)


The INFOSCAPE was a research by Prof. Makoto Arisawa of Keio University for illustrating future scenes with information technologies around the mid of 90’s. Inspired by this notion, h.o conducted artistic research to prototype speculative stories of INFOSCAPE in our daily lives.

“INFOSCAPE City” was a case study for how to create a social object to let people sense circumstances of the town , by setting an installation in the Kannai station of Yokohama. In this project, we temporary renovated a subway station yard for realizing a core center installation. At the same time, we installed sensor installations to communicate with the core center in 5 difference places around the station. Breathing City is the symbolic sound installation to let people know, in the core center, realtime passing amount of pople at the 5 difference places. On the each 5 place, it produces one tune as interactive sound installation. This means that people can listen to an unexpected harmony consisted of 5 different tunes at the central installation.

“INFOSCAPE beach” was a project to create a playful alternative space to practice experimental art projects. In this project, we conducted experiments of social communication media and social furniture. The project Perfect Time was incubated in this experimental frame.

Infoscape in the City (2002)

Chief: Satoshi Onodera
Concept: Hideaki Ogawa + Satoshi Onodera
Motion Graphics: Tomonori Kondo
Perfect Time Test Model: Sakura Toyabe + Emiko Enkawa
Maru Design: Satoshi Onodera + Hideaki Ogawa
WEB & Photograph: Hideaki Ogawa + Tomonori Kondo
Sound: JUBILEE RECORDS.(Satoshi O. Fujishiro Peechboy)
Installation: Yukiko Okamura + Kaori Honda + Yoko Minagawa + Mizuya Sato + Yutaro Ohashi + Keita Mishiro
