
Title Image

TRIART (2012-2013)

Photo: Kazutaka Muguruma


Project WEB:

TRIART (Triathlon x Art) is an art project to generate stories of the participants, while they are doing, for triathlon.

The individual sports like triathlon and marathon have been broadcast-ed and edited as one story that features some potent athletes. Now, this kind of sport is becoming more popular for citizens in general. How can we record and express the individual stories of the participants? The TRIART LOG is a system to print a picture scroll created from the information while they do the sport such as:

– time information based on the RFID tag attached to the athlete
– twitter and social media information that supports the athlete
– news information around the world while the athlete do the sport

In addition, the printed scroll will be a part of a big scroll that expresses the event as collectives. This means the individual stories let us imagine a group photograph.
The participants gathers for this event, shares the time and diverges in individual daily lives. The TRIART expresses the dynamic flow of time that is recorded by the participants, from unique angles.

TRIART (2012)

Chief: Yuichi Tamagawa, Junichi Yura, Emiko Ogawa
Concept: Hideaki Ogawa, Junichi Yura, Yuichi Tamagawa, Emiko Ogawa
System Development: Yuichi Tamagawa, Junichi Yura, Taizo Zushi
Printing System: Mizuya Sato
Art & installation: Emiko Ogawa + Hideaki Ogawa
Art Direction: Hideaki Ogawa

